Fat Loss Secret

Introduction to fat loss - weight loss secrets

Nearly every television channel runs advertisements for ab devices that supposedly burn belly fat away almost effortlessly. Outside of the professional models demonstrating the effectiveness of these products, it seems unlikely that anyone has ever achieved any belly fat loss with these products, which shamelessly prey upon gullibility and the desire for an easy answer.

Whether you are trying to lose 5 pounds or more than 50, the same principles determine how much weight you lose and how fast your weight loss will occur. Remembering the following simple guidelines and putting them into practice can lead to weight loss without the aid of any special diet plans, books, or medications.

Our body weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, you are probably taking in the same amount of calories that you burn each day. If you're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities.

Everyone is in control of the amount of food he or she consumes each day, so our intake of calories is something we can control. To a major degree, we can also control our output of energy, or the number of calories we burn each day. The number of calories we burn each day is dependent upon our basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories we burn per hour simply by being alive and maintaining body functionsand our level of physical activity.

For some people, due to genetic (inherited) factors or other conditions, the resting metabolic rate (BMR) can be slightly higher or lower than average. Our weight also plays a role in determining how many calories we burn at rest -- the more calories are required to maintain your body in its present state, the greater your body weight. A 100-pound person requires less energy (food) to maintain body weight than a person who weights 200 pounds.

Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need each day. Someone whose job involves heavy physical labor will naturally burn more calories in a day than someone who sits at a desk most of the day (a sedentary job). For people who do not have jobs that require intense physical activity, exercise or increased physical activity can increase the number of calories burned.

As a rough estimate, an average woman 31-50 years of age who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1,800 calories per day to maintain a normal weight. A man of the same age requires about 2,200 calories. Participating in a moderate level of physical activity (exercising three to five days per week) requires about 200 additional calories per day.

When these pronciples are said, there are some more very importent informations to take care of, because weight loss or fat loss implementing in Our lifestyle is more than both fat and exercise to low down Your weight - read about these factors in the next 2 articles of very interesting facts to be in mind of:

Click here for Fat Loss Secrets

#1 Article:

Lady Doctor Gets Death Threats for Revealing TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret to General Public!

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to forever shed countless pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life!

A lady doctor from Arizona has blown the lid off the best-kept secret in weight loss ever discovered -- and this has the whole diet food and drug industries turned upside down and in nothing less than a torrential uproar.

Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and she's marching to the beat of a different drum.

And no, nothing about her "secret" is difficult -- nor does it require that you do something completely out of the ordinary or anything unnatural.

Instead, the Arizonian boasts proudly "...this is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results."

This same woman medical practitioner went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful plague and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity -- and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to be unable to lose any weight whatsoever.

Over the course of six years the Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these same harmful, even life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites -- and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98% of which were in immediate danger of dying) she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.

She then borrowed from her research on the severely obese, and applied the same strategies on milder cases of overweight persons -- only to find the same effectiveness and quality results as described above (although the individual weight loss per subject wasn't nearly as much as those obese patients 100 lbs to 200 lbs or more overweight).

So powerful is her secret that she's able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors), as well as an elimination of an entire spectrum of serious and otherwise life-threatening diseases.

Nearly 100% of all her case subjects were told in the alternative by "conventional doctors" that they either had just months or years to live, or they would never live a life anything resembling remotely a "normal" existence -- yet after applying Dr Suzanne's treatments saw a complete contradiction to others doctors' prognoses.

Again, nothing about her secret is unnatural or requires someone to do any major action or modification in their lives.

In fact, her entire treatment is based completely on built-into-nature 'protection agents' scattered throughout the world in the form of select herbs, extracts, and organic constituents, and which can be found in a variety of plants -- but when combined in specific combinations and carefully chosen amounts make for a solution to what is perhaps the world's worst ever plague: OBESITY (and the illnesses and diseases resulting from it -- or at least severely aggravated or exacerbated by it).

Now to everyone else's great gain, whether suffering from just a few extra pounds and inches, to those extremely fat and overweight, this brave, bold lady doctor is releasing to the general public her secret for forever destroying the tight unrelenting closed-fist of obesity's stronghold over the now more than 40% of Americans labeled obese, and others worldwide.

But she's not promising any of us for how long.

Some experts and sociologists suggest that in the bigger scheme of things, the world will never tolerate a discovery of such magnitude, any more than it would be realistic to expect a car that runs on water (even if very real) to ever become commercially available to the general public for day-to-day use.

One well-respected and famous diet & wellness author wrote years ago that if anyone ever "truly unlocked the keys to permanent fat loss, they may actually suffer the same fate as JFK."

It is currently available at:

=> Your Health Fat Loose Secret

...so you may want to head on over there now and get it and before someone or "something" gets it forever yanked out of ever getting in YOUR hand at least.

It's in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you're there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in rapid, massive weight loss and extremely improved and enhanced health, now made freely available to the rest of us?

Click here for Fat Loss Secrets

#2 Article:

Antibiotic-Resistant Disease Killing Humans and Swine

The antibiotic-resistant bacteria Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) is killing both people and swine World Wide.

The bacteria has been implicated in the deaths of a number of cancer and liver disease patients. The number of infected patients jumped 50 percent last year.

Health officials said the bacteria is being transmitted to humans through pigs. The increased use of antibiotics in agriculture may be behind the spread of the resistant strain.

What are ESBLs?

Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBLs) are actually enzymes produced by certain types of bacteria, which renders the bacteria resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat them.

ESBLs were first discovered in the mid-1980s. At the time they were mostly found in the Klebsiella species of bacteria, in hospital intensive care units. Until recently, few people were affected by these mutated bacteria and it didn't appear to be a major growing concern.

That has changed, however. According to the British Health Protection Agency (HPA), a new class of ESBL (called CTX-M enzymes) has emerged, which are now being widely detected among E.Coli
bacteria. These ESBL-producing E. Coli are resistant to penicillins and cephalosporins, and are becoming more frequent in urinary tract infections.

Other species of bacteria that can now produce ESBLs include:
K. pneumoniae
K. oxytoca
Proteus mirabilis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa

The Problem is Worse Than You Think!

According to a study published October 2007 in the Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA), there were close to 100,000 cases of invasive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections in the United States in 2005, which lead to more than 18,600 deaths.

To put that number into perspective, HIV/AIDS killed 17,000 people that year.

Antibiotic-resistant disease IS a major man-made problem.

This was the study that propelled MRSA into the news last year, combined with a number of school
outbreaks that took place around the same time. Discussions focused largely on reducing medical over-use of antibiotics, and proper hygiene such as washing your hands with soap and water to reduce the spread of infectious disease.

But little has been said about the rampant over-use of antibiotics in agriculture, which is a MAJOR source of human antibiotic consumption, and hence increased antibiotic resistance.

Agriculture as a Source of Antibiotic Resistance

Both MRSA and ESBL are being traced back to animals raised for food production, especially pigs.

These animals are often fed antibiotics at low doses for disease prevention and growth promotion. Animals receiving antibiotics in their feed gain 4 to 5 percent more body weight than animals that do not receive antibiotics, but the price is high for you, the end consumer, because this practice also creates the perfect conditions for antibiotic resistance to flourish.

Worlds health officials claim they're unsure of how farmers and veterinarians, who have not consumed infected meat, are becoming infected. However, according to research cited on Johns
Hopkins website, the main reservoir of these organisms is in the lower digestive tract, and they can persist within the gastrointestinal tract for months. So perhaps the answer doesn't have to be all that complicated.

So, the meat industry practice of using antibiotics is indeed a driving force behind the development of antibiotic resistance in a now wide variety of bacteria that cause human disease.

The long stalemate on this issue constitutes a struggle between strong science and bad politics. The FDA finally banned the use of fluoroquinolones - a widely used class of antimicrobials -- from
agricultural use August 1997, but not without the Bayer Corporation kicking and screaming in vehement opposition. After all, antibiotics for livestock use is big business. It constitutes about 70
percent of ALL antibiotic use! They couldn't replace that market with human consumers even if
they tried.

Other Agricultural Sources of Antibiotics

Another heavily tainted meat product you should stay away from is conventionally raised chicken. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found that bacteria from conventional
chicken and from people who ate the chicken became resistant to Synercid, a strong antibiotic used to
treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In essence, it can cause resistance to the last lines of defense currently available in the modern medicine cabinet.

It also found that it was rare to find resistant bacteria among antibiotic-free chicken, while the majority of bacterial isolates from conventional poultry were resistant.

But, the ramifications of using antibiotics in agriculture don't end there. Antibiotics filter down through the food chain in sometimes non-suspecting ways.

Antibiotics are also being transferred, via manure, into your food supply.

A 2007 study in the Journal of Environmental Quality looked at whether food crops will accumulate antibiotics from soil covered with antibiotic-containing manure.

In a greenhouse setting, corn, lettuce and potatoes were grown on soil that contained hog manure with a commonly used veterinary antibiotic added.

The antibiotics were absorbed by all three crops, into both their leaves and tissue. Meanwhile, the antibiotics also transferred to the potato tubers, suggesting that root crops like carrots, radishes and potatoes may be particularly at risk of antibiotic accumulation.

These findings unfortunately also have implications for organic farmers, who often use manure as their main source of fertilizer. And, as it stands, manure that contains antibiotics is still allowed under the organic label.

How to Avoid Excessive Antibiotic Exposure

So how can you ensure that the food you feed to yourself and your family is pure and healthy?

Apart from growing it yourself, your best option is to get to know a local farmer near you -- one who uses non-toxic farming methods. If you live in an urban area, there are increasing numbers of community-supported agriculture programs available that give you access to healthy, locally grown foods even if you live in the heart of the city.

If you are looking for a safer alternative to commercially raised beef please be sure to check out grass-fed beef. Grass-fed cattle are not routinely fed antibiotics. They may occasionally receive them for an infection, but that would be the rare exception, and even then they are only used for a few days.


"Natural" is best, organic superior, and to learn how to undo the negative effects already suffered you, visit

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For additional informations and some tips for correct eating and exercise I have implemented these articles by Leigh Peele for Yours convertibilities - because we are not what we are eating, but we eat what we are!!

Top 9 Foods for Fat Loss

by Leigh Peele

So often we are told "You need to change your diet and eat healthier foods". Whether it is to lose weight or to live a healthier life we are always looking for the "right" foods to eat. The problem is, we don't know what the right foods are. Should we be eating lean cuisine meals, do weight watchers, or just depress our taste buds and just eat tofu and sprouts.

Well now I have the answer. Here are my top 9 foods you need for fat loss, and to just live a healthier life in general.

Number 1:


Okay fine so water isn't "food" but it is the most important substance you can take into your body. 70% of people are walking around at least partially dehydrated in this country and they don't even know it. How could they? This makes me think of so many movies where they show a person peeing in the snow and it's yellow. We don't want yellow snow, that isn't healthy.

The goal is to have very light off yellow, almost clear, urine. This is a sign of good hydration. The more yellow, the more dehydrated. Water is 100% essential need to the body, and 100% essential for fat loss. If nothing else, remember this the next time you chug down. How do you think that fat leaves the body? I will give you a hint%u2026it doesn't just magically disappear into nothing.

Number 2:


My next choice is eggs, especially egg whites and omega 3 eggs. You know there is just nothing you can't do with these guys. Scrambled, hard boiled, baking, pancakes, added protein to smoothies (egg whites only for that one guys okay). They have the greatest Biological Value of protein you can ask for, and the omega 3 has good fats. Not only is it an easy food, it is a cheap food. So yeah, number 2 on the list, eggs.

Number 3:

EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids)

Next up is EFA's or essential fatty acids. Whatever source you choose to get this from is yours. I personally, and I will try not to advertise or name drop here, but go with a supplement oil blend. We not only want good fats, we want a balance of good fats. Now this doesn't mean not to get any fats from whole foods. Fish, nuts, oils, are all great, but somewhere in the diet getting a pure and solid form of supplemented oil blend is something that I think is key, not only for fat loss, but for health.

Number 4:


Now oatmeal is a personal obsession, it is hard not to put it at one because of my pure love for it. A lot of people get very confused about oatmeal, how to cook it, which brand to buy. Do I get instant, steel cut, rolled? My advice, cost wise and ease wise is to go with the Old Fashion Rolled Oats. Now, do steel oats have a higher fiber source and better process? Of course, but they aren't as cheap, not as easy to find, and take longer to cook. I find in some areas if you ask too much of people they end up giving up all together. So go into the store, get the old fashion rolled oats, still lower GI than instant, a great source of fiber, and great for the heart. Best of all they are easy to work with and cheap to buy.

Number 5:


Berries, particularly I would choose wild blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries. Some of the best sources of anti-oxidants, fiber, low calories, easy to make anything taste good with. Also if you buy frozen you can save some cash, if you buy frozen and in bulk you can save a bundle.

Number 6:


Greens is classified as turnips, spinach, collard, kale, I would even throw in broccoli into that mix. These are the true super foods. Vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, low calorie, the list goes on and on.

You know a lot of people fight me on the vegetables, I wasn't a fan of veggies myself, but let me tell you that you can sneak these suckers in so much you won't even know they are there. Then one day you wake up and not only have you developed a taste for them, but you actually like them and want to have them in your meals. Put them in an omelet, vegetable lasagna, or toss into a shake with berries and protein and BAM you have one heck of a power combo. Don't neglect your veggies!

Number 7:


Okay now that I am finished with my "eat your veggies" talk we are going to get to Whey Protein. If you are whey intolerant you can go with egg, but basically what I am speaking of is whey protein supplement powder. In general I am really pro whole foods, but in certain times, a protein supplement has its place. Especially post workout, and if choosing a protein powder, whey is number one. If you use it right, and time it right in your diet, but still provide yourself with whole foods, it can be one heck of a protein source and save you some time as well.

Number 8:


Next up is fish, I think that fish is%u2026you know really I don't like it. I still haven't come to enjoy any fish that wasn't a childhood fish stick, but I eat it! I eat it because it is a source of good fats and amazing source of protein. So maybe you are in the same boat as me, and you don't like getting it down, do it anyway.

Number 9:

Sweet Potato

Alright, last one, Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes deemed the "anti-diabetic" food are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and of all starch foods are the easiest to digest. Did I mention they are really yummy?

So with this list realize that if you ate nothing but what is on this list that you have a complete balanced diet right here. Complete amino acids, good fats, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, all right here in these 9 foods. Mix them up even and have real power meals, put the berries in the oatmeal, put the spinach in the omelets, it is endless. Some people might say "hey you didn't list this or that", don't get me wrong there are definitely some other great foods out there, but as far as I what I feel the average person can easily and should keep in their daily diet, these are my top nine.

Leigh Peele is a professional author and trainer who specializes in fat loss and metabolism damage. You can find out more information on how to advance your fat loss by going to


5 Tips I Know For Fat Loss

1 - You can't overtrain a bad diet

Go ahead and bust your butt in that gym all you want but if you are still eating in an excess of calories then you aren't going to lose the excess bulge.

2 - Sample day at the stores might get you after all.

Nibbles can ruin your fat loss. Do me a favor and take the next week, just one week and write down every single thing you put in to your mouth. Not the calories, just the food. Then write down what you 'think' all that was calorie wise. Now I want you to look it up. Yeah I know, sucks.

If you want to have a cookie, have a cookie! Just count the damn thing.

3 - 'Magic Muscle Growth' only counts if your body is actually changing.

Quick tip, if you really are putting on all that muscle that you are using to explain stalled scale weight, then your body would be changing as well. Muscle does hide scale weight, but it also shows a hot body. If you aren't getting the hot body then re-check your efforts.

4 - You will be hungry, tired, and angry.

I am one of the few trainers, in fact I don't see this much of anywhere, that admits that this process should be hard. I don't lie, it is the lying and the 'happy diet' approach that is getting people in so much trouble. This process sucks, I am honest about that. HOWEVER, you can do it and are awesome to even try. Remember love needs to follow tough.

5 - You are not alone.

Right now I can easily give you a list of 50,000 thousand people, at the snap of my fingers, their contact info, who have cried this week because they are scared, frustrated, tired, hungry, happy, sad, proud, about to kill a loved o...all because of fat loss.

You are not in this alone. The education will guide you to getting this done faster, but the belief in yourself to do it is even more important. If you are finding you are failing yourself sometimes then do whatever it takes to find more support and take it home!

Leigh Peele is a professional author and trainer who specializes in fat loss and metabolism damage. You can find out more information on how to advance your fat loss by going here


Top 3 Reasons Your Fat Loss Still Isn't Working

Why do I say still?

Recently there has been a lot of talk of the importance of counting calories and measuring your intake. Who thinks though that it could possibly be that simple? If it were REALLY that simple what am I doing selling not one but two books on the subject?

These are the reasons it isn't that simple.

Reason #1

- Your Calories are Right, But Your Burn Isn't

You may be counting your calories right but your idea of what your burn is can be so off that you are just spinning your wheels. Did you know that your burn can range from 60 calories an hr to 500 calories an hr depending on factors beyond just that of weight and gender? In my book the Fat Loss Troubleshoot I help explain how to really gauge your activity and not only that but make the best of it.

Reason #2

- You Have Been Doing This Too Long.

You CAN diet too much. You CAN train to hard. No you CAN'T defy the laws of energy, but, that doesn't mean you can't screw up your laws of energy. If you find yourself in the position of trying to lose 10 pounds for 3 years, then it might be time to look into some real metabolism boosting. In the Metabolic Repair Manual you can see step by step how a metabolism works, how a slow down really happens, and what to do to reverse it if need.

Reason #3

- All Glory, No Guts.

It is 100% acceptable that you don't want to do this. It is reasonable that you do not want to physically burn layers of your body off from the inside. I mean when you think about that it is pretty wicked! Who wants to do that?! However, when it is all said and done you either do this or you don't. You either want it or you don't. Don't fear jumping in, just don't dive in head first into shallow water.

We aren't owed glory. Luck happens, glory is earned.

Leigh Peele is a professional author and trainer who specializes in fat loss and metabolism damage. You can find out more information on how to advance your fat loss by going to


Write For Fat Loss

1.Grab a pen and paper.

2.Write down goals that you have achieved in the past towards your fitness and body comp. Not what you are trying to achieve but what you already have achieved.
Need some ideas?
- Stuck to a pre-made meal plan the whole day
- Did every workout I planned to the whole week
- Finished reading a great book on fitness and health
- Came up with a healthy and fast meal
- Help educate others on proper nutrition

3. Write underneath the goal how achieving that made you feel and what you learned.
Goal Achieved-I created 1 weeks worth of meals plans for my fat loss goal and stuck to it the whole week without failure.
Feeling about goal-I felt great! I not only stuck to my set goal and felt accomplished in that, but I lost 1lb of fat that week and made good strength increases.
Lesson Learned-That I can stick to a plan, it was really hard some of the time, but I did do it and I am a little proud of myself.

4. For the next week repeat as many of those goals as possible.
Sometimes we get so caught up in achieving a goal that we see completing that goal as the end, when really it should be the start to doing it all over again. For example, Fat loss is just achieving one good day over and over again.

A do over is just another chance to do it..

Leigh Peele is a professional author and trainer who specializes in fat loss and metabolism damage. You can find out more information on how to advance your fat loss by going to

At the end of the story You can take a look at this video: