SEO - Search Engine Optimization - is a long-term process that heavily involves on-page optimization, link building and other SEO techniques. Generally acquiring quality links is harder and more time-consuming compared to the on-page optimization. That’s why on-page optimization is a great white-hat way to boost your rankings in a short period of time.
Therefor we have implemented 3 articles on our Blog to show what SEO is and how to generate it´s possiblilities for Your Business ranking.
#1 article:
SEO Basics Revisited in 7 Steps
Socalled Black hat SEO methods may sound tempting for a quick surge of traffic but will probably get you in trouble - maybe bigger trouble than you bargained for.
Just look at what recently happened to US retailer whose SEO company didn't help them excel with Google but instead got them in some hot water. They said they didn't know what their SEO company was doing.
As a business owner or someone responsible for marketing and e-commerce at your place of work, you need to be sure that you know what's happening with your website so that your website doesn't fall off the face of the Google earth unexpectedly due to what's perceived as inappropriate SEO tactics.
Black hat SEO really doesn't pay off.
Search engine algorithms are continually tweaked to help them stay 'honest' in letting the cream rise to the top. It's best to start as you mean to go on, even if it takes a bit longer to rise to the top of the search engines. So, how do you identify black hat SEO methods so you're sure to avoid them?Avoiding Black Hat SEO -
- Be careful about dealing with SEO companies who make outlandish promises. If they're telling you that you can buy your way to the top with paid links, this is a red flag.
- Look into the reputation of the SEO company that you're talking to.
- Make sure they're known as legitimate and have good testimonials from real clients to back up what they tell you.
- Be sure your website navigation is transparent. No doorway or cloaked pages.
- No hidden text in an attempt to keyword stuff, and so on.
- Ask to see your reporting.
The single most important thing you can do as a website owner is regularly review your traffic reports.
A good indication of black hat SEO is, for example, an excessive number of high PR backlinks from non-relevant sites.
Effective SEO, especially in a competitive niche, can be like a full time job and that's probably why you want to get some help. Hire an expert SEO consultant but look for transparency in their methods. If something doesn't sit right, ask questions. It doesn't hurt to brush up on basics of white hat and <em>black hat SEO</em> so that you can carefully monitor what's happening with your business.
Search engine optimisation is an evolving world and a reputable subject matter expert can help your company make the most of it through proven and ethical strategies that work.
Search Engine Optimization better known as SEO has become the most important part of online marketers' life. It acts like oxygen for their marketing efforts and provides the required base to launch their website(s) into the online world.
The importance of SEO can't be disputed and a lengthy article enlisting its significance can be attributed to this topic. But for now we need to address another important issue.
Although we understand the importance of optimizing the website for search engines, we often start to think over it after the site has been designed and developed. Instead, SEO should be involved since the inception of the project as it will greatly helps us to decrease our turn-around time, increase efficiency and most importantly avoid any SEO related blunder.
The points that should be kept in mind while designing the website are:
1) Avoid flash - Flash based websites are still not search engine friendly and therefore should be avoided. Although efforts are being made to make flash content understandable for the search engines, having HTML content is still the best option. However, this does not mean that the use of flash is forbidden. It can be used but only when the situation calls for. E.g. for playing a movie like telling a story via animation. But the overall animation size should be small.
2) No frames - If you want to achieve success via SEO, pledge not to use frames. The biggest disadvantage of using frames is that the URL of your 'n' number of pages will be the same i.e. one address for 'n' different pages. Ask yourself, do I really need this kind of arrangement wherein all the pages of my website will have the same address? If the answer is yes, then for search engine your website will have only one page and according to search engines single pages are rarely important to be indexed. Also, the crawlers are helpless when it comes to reading the content of frame based website and they treat it as a blank page.
3) Domain name - Selecting a domain name i.e. the name of your website has very less significance to SEO yet plays an important part. Few important things to be kept in mind are:a. The domain name should not be lengthy but a short oneb. It should be easy to pronounce and memorizec. It should never contain any hyphens (-) or underscores (_)d. It should be related to the brand, product or company name.e. If possible, it may have the most important keyword for which the site is to be optimized.
4) Internal page naming - During the designing of the website it is normal for the designer to name the pages as per his choice or follow the sitemap provided to him. But it should be done with SEO in mind or else a major re-work may be required in the future. Internal pages should be named based on the content of those pages. It helps to give as many clues possible to the search engines regarding the content and context of the internal page.
5) Image names - The keywords contained in the image names will not be ignored by the search engines and will usually gain you some additional benefits. Search engines index image files and it is therefore useful to give all your image files descriptive names as some traffic will be generated this way and therefore you might maximize the opportunity.
6) HTML coding errors - Ensure that the designer generates correct HTML code as flawed code might hamper the ability of search engines to crawl the pages efficiently. Also, make sure to avoid the presence of unnecessary code on the pages also known as code bloat.
7) Pick up a reliable host - Imagine you have designed a world-class website and implemented a perfect SEO strategy but your site isn't accessible. What will be your reaction? In order to avoid the confrontation with such emotions, make sure to go for a reliable host with excellent up-time and security.
The above stated points do look basic but their effect is everlasting and greatly supplements your efforts towards optimizing the website for search engines. Black hat SEO methods may sound tempting for a quick surge of traffic but will probably get you in trouble - maybe bigger trouble than you bargained for.
The process of starting a website and actually making money on it can be tricky. There is doing research to make sure the site is actually worth building, without doing so much research you get overwhelmed and never start the how to actually physically build the website and covering the expenses of basic website hosting, domain names and email capture.
Then, there's marketing.
1. Hunting for information on the many SEO forum websites can be a good idea but can also get overwhelming because you can receive conflicting information. Search engine optimization is a tricky aspect of marketing, as it involves trying to make both your human audience happy and the search engines happy, and the two are not always aligned perfectly. Where a human may prefer a site that has an easy-to-access graphic shopping application, search engines can't tell that just by looking. Search engines need content, so you end up having to fill your sites with text.
2. There are other ways to deal with SEO. One way is to do niche marketing, so instead of competing with the entire world on a topic that is popular but has high amounts of competition, you research ways to compete with only a small amount of people on something that has enough traffic to make it profitable. Lining up several slightly-profitable niches at once can make a huge difference to your pay check. Combining search engine optimization with research on a good niche can make a big difference in making money.
3. Writing good articles, taking good, optimized videos and putting them online, creating back links and using social media marketing can all make a big difference in adding money to your pocket as well. You can only really learn good optimization through action and practice. The guy with the imperfect tactic and lots of action will make far more money than the guy with the perfect tactic and no action.
A good rule of thumb is to do at least one hour of pure action for every fifteen minutes of research. Get online, find out a new search engine tactic, and act on it, right then and there. Don't try to find out all the details about it, just get out there and do something. Anything. A little bit of action here, and a little bit of action there will quickly add up to being a lot of action when and where you need it.
After reading this: Go here for the best SEO!!
#2 Article:
Lets Face more SEO Optimizations:
Major tools of SEO are Link Building and Link Designing.
Link Building first needs the Link Designing
Link Designing has two following Parts:
2 Anchor Words
Types of Links
1 Inbound Link (points to your websites from someone
else’s website)
2 Outbound Link (Points to someone else’s website
from your website)
3 One Way Link
4 Reciprocal Link
Characteristics of Links
1 Link Popularity (No. of Links pointing to your page
+ links from Important pages)
2 Link Reputation (Relevance of anchor words to
search terms)
Page Rank
Google calculates the page rank of a website by counting the number of links pointing to your website as a vote. The more the number of votes the more there are chances for your page to come on the top. But there are more factors involved besides the quantity.
The page rank depends on many factors.
1 Page rank of the Linking Page (Page rank of the
page from which links are pointing to your website)
2 Linking page is on-focus or off-focus (stock market
website should not link towards a fruit shop’s
3 Number of outgoing links should not be too much.
(Quality matters not the quantity of the links)
4 Quality of the outgoing link (the link should be well
relevant and well described)
Is Google Page Rank is the only option for promoting your web site?
Certainly Not! It’s not always the big number of links pointing to your website which always matters. Sometimes a website with a PR2 gets higher position than the sites having PR3 or 4. Therefore it’s not only the PR which Google focuses while estimating rank for a set of keywords.
Following Points Google considers while setting a rank for a web site.
1 Number of links coming from other sites
2 Anchor Text of the links
Historical Factors.
Anchor Text is the most important thing to consider. It is the Visual representation of the link. Suppose if somebody is working to promote an educational site like then its anchor text should like as Free Online training.
The historical factors are also to be kept in mind. Google considers the point like:
1 When the link was discovered.
2 The link changes with time or not
3 What’s the speed of getting links from other sites?
Getting too quickly links from other sites can result into your site being de-indexed by the Google. Everything should look like very natural.
In order to get good ranking on should focus on getting links from the high page rank sites, scores of links from low quality and low ranking sites is surely not recommended.
One should make efforts to having a link from web site with PR2 or above:
1 If it is on focus with your contents (products or
2 It has at least PR4 or above.
3 There are less than 50 Links on that page.
4 There are no “Nofollow” tags on the links
5 There is no Java script redirecting.
6 The link is not redirected.
Techniques to Follow While Building Links
Putting stress on Reciprocal Links. They can still be helpful although their efficacy is little bit decreased now. They should be 25% of the inbound links. But they should be between the sites having identical themes.
Web Directories:
Build natural looking links in the Web Directories. This is the most easiest and free way to build links quickly. The Free web directories do not need anything in exchange. Before submitting your content to free directories, make it sure that you titles, keywords and descriptions are ready. Make many titles as they will be used in anchor text. Do not use All CAPS in keywords.
1 Always select relevant directories to your content.
2 Post only once in a web directory. Do not repeat it.
3 Only submit your home page.
4 Submit your site to the sub-category and not to the
top category. Admin of the directory will find every
reason to reject your posting.
5 Always read the Directory Submission Guidelines
and follow them.
6 Use your domain email and do not use any free email
7 Build your links naturally and slowly.
SEO is a challenging job but it becomes easy when you follow the rules.
After reading this: Go here for the best SEO!!
#3 Article:
SEO Complete tutorial
Introduction to SEO: It is mainly aimed at beginners, although I hope that experienced webmasters will also find something new and interesting here. There are many articles on SEO on the Internet and this text is an attempt to gather some of this information into a single consistent document.
Information presented in this text can be divided into several parts:
- Clear-cut seo recommendations, practical guidelines.
- Theoretical information that we think any seo specialist should know.
- SEO tips, observations, recommendations from experience, other SEO sources, etc.
1. General seo information
1.1 History of search engines.
In the early days of Internet development, its users were a privileged minority and the amount of available information was relatively small. Access was mainly restricted to employees of various universities and laboratories who used it to access scientific information. In those days, the problem of finding information on the Internet was not nearly as critical as it is now.Site directories were one of the first methods used to facilitate access to information resources on the network. Links to these resources were grouped by topic.
Yahoo was the first project of this kind opened in April 1994. As the number of sites in the Yahoo directory inexorably increased, the developers of Yahoo made the directory searchable. Of course, it was not a search engine in its true form because searching was limited to those resources who's listings were put into the directory. It did not actively seek out resources and the concept of seo was yet to arrive.
Such link directories have been used extensively in the past, but nowadays they have lost much of their popularity. The reason is simple - even modern directories with lots of resources only provide information on a tiny fraction of the Internet. For example, the largest directory on the network is currently DMOZ (or Open Directory Project). It contains information on about five million resources. Compare this with the Google search engine database containing more than eight billion documents.
The WebCrawler project started in 1994 and was the first full-featured search engine. The Lycos and AltaVista search engines appeared in 1995 and for many years Alta Vista was the major player in this field.
In 1997 Sergey Brin and Larry Page created Google as a research project at Stanford University. Google is now the most popular search engine in the world.Currently, there are three leading international search engines - Google, Yahoo and MSN Search. They each have their own databases and search algorithms. Many other search engines use results originating from these three major search engines and the same seo expertise can be applied to all of them. For example, the AOL search engine ( uses the Google database while AltaVista, Lycos and AllTheWeb all use the Yahoo database.
1.2 Common search engine principles.
To understand SEO you need to be aware of the architecture of search engines. They all contain the following main components:
1: Spider - a browser-like program that downloads web pages.
2: Crawler - a program that automatically follows all of the links on each web page.
3: Indexer - a program that analyzes web pages downloaded by the spider and the crawler.
4: Database - storage for downloaded and processed pages.
5: Results engine - extracts search results from the database.
6: Web server - a server that is responsible for interaction between the user and other search engine components.
Specific implementations of search mechanisms may differ. For example, the Spider+Crawler+Indexer component group might be implemented as a single program that downloads web pages, analyzes them and then uses their links to find new resources. However, the components listed are inherent to all search engines and the seo principles are the same.
Spider. This program downloads web pages just like a web browser. The difference is that a browser displays the information presented on each page (text, graphics, etc.) while a spider does not have any visual components and works directly with the underlying HTML code of the page. You may already know that there is an option in standard web browsers to view source HTML code.
Crawler. This program finds all links on each page. Its task is to determine where the spider should go either by evaluating the links or according to a predefined list of addresses. The crawler follows these links and tries to find documents not already known to the search engine.
Indexer. This component parses each page and analyzes the various elements, such as text, headers, structural or stylistic features, special HTML tags, etc.
Database. This is the storage area for the data that the search engine downloads and analyzes. Sometimes it is called the index of the search engine.
Results Engine. The results engine ranks pages. It determines which pages best match a user's query and in what order the pages should be listed. This is done according to the ranking algorithms of the search engine. It follows that page rank is a valuable and interesting property and any seo specialist is most interested in it when trying to improve his site search results. In this article, we will discuss the SEO factors that influence page rank in some detail.
Web server. The search engine web server usually contains a HTML page with an input field where the user can specify the search query he or she is interested in. The web server is also responsible for displaying search results to the user in the form of an HTML page.
2. Internal ranking factors.
Several factors influence the position of a site in the search results. They can be divided into external and internal ranking factors. Internal ranking factors are those that are controlled by seo aware website owners (text, layout, etc.) and will be described next.
2.1 Web page layout factors relevant to SEO
2.1.1 Amount of text on a page.
A page consisting of just a few sentences is less likely to get to the top of a search engine list. Search engines favor sites that have a high information content. Generally, you should try to increase the text content of your site in the interest of seo. The optimum page size is 500-3000 words (or 2000 to 20,000 characters).Search engine visibility is increased as the amount of page text increases due to the increased likelihood of occasional and accidental search queries causing it to be listed. This factor sometimes results in a large number of visitors.
2.1.2 Number of keywords on a page.
Keywords must be used at least three to four times in the page text. The upper limit depends on the overall page size - the larger the page, the more keyword repetitions can be made. Keyword phrases (word combinations consisting of several keywords) are worth a separate mention. The best seo results are observed when a keyword phrase is used several times in the text with all keywords in the phrase arranged in exactly the same order.
In addition, all of the words from the phrase should be used separately several times in the remaining text. There should also be some difference (dispersion) in the number of entries for each of these repeated words.Let us take an example. Suppose we optimize a page for the phrase "seo software" (one of our seo keywords for this site) It would be good to use the phrase "seo software" in the text 10 times, the word "seo" 7 times elsewhere in the text and the word "software" 5 times. The numbers here are for illustration only, but they show the general SEO idea quite well.
2.1.3 Keyword density and SEO.
Keyword page density is a measure of the relative frequency of the word in the text expressed as a percentage. For example, if a specific word is used 5 times on a page containing 100 words, the keyword density is 5%. If the density of a keyword is too low, the search engine will not pay much attention to it. If the density is too high, the search engine may activate its spam filter. If this happens, the page will be penalized and its position in search listings will be deliberately lowered.
The optimum value for keyword density is 5-7%. In the case of keyword phrases, you should calculate the total density of each of the individual keywords comprising the phrases to make sure it is within the specified limits. In practice, a keyword density of more than 7-8% does not seem to have any negative seo consequences. However, it is not necessary and can reduce the legibility of the content from a user's viewpoint.
2.1.4 Location of keywords on a page.
A very short rule for SEO experts - the closer a keyword or keyword phrase is to the beginning of a document, the more significant it becomes for the search engine.
2.1.5 Text format and SEO.
Search engines pay special attention to page text that is highlighted or given special formatting. We recommend:- use keywords in headings. Headings are text highlighted with the «H» HTML tags. The «h1» and «h2» tags are most effective. Currently, the use of CSS allows you to redefine the appearance of text highlighted with these tags. This means that «H» tags are used less than nowadays, but are still very important in seo work.;- Highlight keywords with bold fonts. Do not highlight the entire text! Just highlight each keyword two or three times on the page. Use the «strong» tag for highlighting instead of the more traditional «B» bold tag.
2.1.6 «TITLE» tag.
This is one of the most important tags for search engines. Make use of this fact in your SEO work. Keywords must be used in the TITLE tag. The link to your site that is normally displayed in search results will contain text derived from the TITLE tag. It functions as a sort of virtual business card for your pages. Often, the TITLE tag text is the first information about your website that the user sees. This is why it should not only contain keywords, but also be informative and attractive. You want the searcher to be tempted to click on your listed link and navigate to your website. As a rule, 50-80 characters from the TITLE tag are displayed in search results and so you should limit the size of the title to this length.
2.1.7 Keywords in links.
A simple SEO rule - use keywords in the text of page links that refer to other pages on your site and to any external Internet resources. Keywords in such links can slightly enhance page rank.
2.1.8 «ALT» attributes in images.
Any page image has a special optional attribute known as "alternative text." It is specified using the HTML «ALT» tag. This text will be displayed if the browser fails to download the image or if the browser image display is disabled. Search engines save the value of image ALT attributes when they parse (index) pages, but do not use it to rank search results.
Currently, the Google search engine takes into account text in the ALT attributes of those images that are links to other pages. The ALT attributes of other images are ignored. There is no information regarding other search engines, but we can assume that the situation is similar. We consider that keywords can and should be used in ALT attributes, but this practice is not vital for seo purposes.
2.1.9 Description Meta tag.
This used to specify page descriptions. It does not influence the SEO ranking process but it is very important. A lot of search engines (including the largest one - Google) display information from this tag in their search results if this tag is present on a page and if its content matches the content of the page and the search query.
Experience has shown that a high position in search results does not always guarantee large numbers of visitors. For example, if your competitors' search result description is more attractive than the one for your site then search engine users may choose their resource instead of yours. That is why it is important that your Description Meta tag text be brief, but informative and attractive. It must also contain keywords appropriate to the page.
2.1.10 Keywords Meta tag.
This Meta tag was initially used to specify keywords for pages but it is hardly ever used by search engines now. It is often ignored in SEO projects. However, it would be advisable to specify this tag just in case there is a revival in its use. The following rule must be observed for this tag: only keywords actually used in the page text must be added to it.
2.2 Site structure
2.2.1 Number of pages.
The general SEO rule is: the more, the better. Increasing the number of pages on your website increases the visibility of the site to search engines. Also, if new information is being constantly added to the site, search engines consider this as development and expansion of the site. This may give additional advantages in ranking. You should periodically publish more information on your site - news, press releases, articles, useful tips, etc.
2.2.2 Navigation menu.
As a rule, any site has a navigation menu. Use keywords in menu links, it will give additional seo significance to the pages to which the links refer.
2.2.3 Keywords in page names.
Some SEO experts consider that using keywords in the name of a HTML page file may have a positive effect on its search result position.
2.2.4 Avoid subdirectories.
If there are not too many pages on your site (up to a couple of dozen), it is best to place them all in the root directory of your site.
After reading this: Go here for the best SEO!!