Banners Broker is a Banner Impression and Traffic Marketplace for our worldwide members. Our members get to be part of our advertising network and participate in our Global Inventory Sales. Our members greatly benefit from our Network's Revenue since we combine both advertisers and publishers in a unique Online Ad Serving Platform. When you buy a package with Banners Broker, you not only are buying banner impressions, but you also receive ad inventory that WE sell on your behalf, earning you commissions never before seen! Publishers in the past needed their own website to sell ad inventory, and even if you had your own website, you needed traffic to sell your ad space and make money. Well not anymore! Banner Broker provides ad inventory in every combo package, and allows you to participate in the inventory sales. You will be compensated like never before.
An Elevator Pitch is a quick way to describe the business you are in. It shouldn't last longer than an elevator ride with the person you are talking to.
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